Lone Worker Safety

Whether alone at the office, or working from a remote location, lone workers may be at greater risk. Arm your staff with powerful tools to help protect them.

Lone Worker Safety

Staff can request help at any time;

stand-by timers can be set if people are unsure of their surroundings.

Request help

Requesting help is a core function of the SAFESTATUS® mobile application, and is paramount to our overall solution to help keep your people safe. Help can be requested anytime 24/7 should a situation occur.

Help requests can include a video or picture along with any helpful comments. Options to call 911 and notify emergency contacts are turned on by default. Your employee can either submit their request, or wait for a 30 second timer to expire at which time the request is automatically sent. Help request information is sent to your Castatus Crisis Manager Inbox and your first responders are notified. Additionally, if requested, emergency contacts are sent a text message that includes the help request comments along with the employee's current location. A confirmation to call 911 will immediately connect the employee to local emergency services.

Request help

Some emergencies may not afford the time or opportunity for an individual to pull up an app on their phone, or even make a phone call. Verbally asking for help is one of the most natural reactions when in danger. That is why we designed SAFESTATUS® to be used with Siri® (iPhone, iPad, AppleWatch, Apple CarPlay). With SAFESTATUS® requesting help is as natural as...

Hey Siri I need help
Hey Siri
SafeStatus Smart Badge

SAFESIGNAL™ provides tools to help safeguard staff in situations that have the potential to escalate quickly where the employee may not have a chance to let others know they are in danger. SAFESIGNAL™ provides a timer to be set giving an employee a predetermined amount of time to ensure their situation is safe. If an employee encounters an immediate threat, they can issue a request for help. Additionally, their inaction of not providing an All-Clear before the timer expires will automatically issue the same help request that includes their precise location.

Every business faces different security challenges which is why we made the All-Clear functionality configurable to allow staff to select from procedures that relate best to their industry. For example, a financial institution using SAFESIGNAL™ could select to perform an All-Clear procedure to assist with daily branch opening and closings. A home-healthcare professional could conduct an All-Clear procedure when arriving or leaving a patient's residence.


At any time if an employee is concerned with their surroundings, they can initiate a SAFESIGNAL™ Stand By Alert timer. For example, an employee leaving the office late could set up a Stand By Alert, and if they weren't safely in their car before the timer expired then notifications would be sent out automatically.

Upon timer start, employees can warn others that they are entering a potentially dangerous situation and if the circumstances escalate at any time before the timer ends, they could issue a duress request for help immediately. The precise location of the individual is included in communications to provide further assistance.

Stand By Alert

Desktop Alerts can optionally be configured to send a duress signal to others using a silent and discreet combination of hotkeys (i.e, pressing the keys CTRL + SHIFT + H at the same time).

A duress signal can be silently transmitted and received by everyone at the same location, or only select individuals that have been preconfigured. Additionally, if your organization has multiple sites you can trigger a communication to alert others at different locations. For example, a financial organization could alert select individuals at a branch that there is a robbery in progress while simultaneously alerting people at headquarters.

Castatus Desktop Alerts with Hotkeys
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