Mobile Notification

Alert staff via text messages, push notifications, emails and phone calls directly to their mobile device.

Mobile Notifications

Alert staff with mobile notifications wherever they are.

Notifications can be initiated by staff in the office or on the go.

Mobile Notifications

The landscape of the work environment has greatly changed. Many employees today work remotely on a part-time or even full-time basis. Employees are on the move with business travel, commuting between offices and working in many forms of a hybrid office. Today’s workplace presents many challenges to communicate with your staff and those challenges become even greater when a critical event occurs.

Castatus provides you with a powerful enterprise solution to communicate with your staff, establish two-way communications and instantly know the safety status of each employee during an emergency.

Mobile notifications can be sent via mobile push notification, SMS text, voice call using a recorded voice or text-to-speech or an email. With Castatus, delivering critical information to your staff is as easy as a touch of a button or even just using your voice.

Mobile Notifications

Employees can respond in real-time with the status of their safety regardless of which communication channel they received. All responses are categorized within the Castatus Crisis Manager Inbox into Safe, Not Safe, or Unresponsive which quickly highlights those in greatest need.

The exact GPS location is instantly known when status is reported using the SAFESTATUS® mobile app. Additionally, staff can also respond whether they have concerns about anything by submitting comments, photos or videos.

Mobile Notifications

Mobile Push

Push notifications can be sent directly to any smart phones where SafeStatus has been installed.

SMS Text

An SMS text message can be sent to all mobile devices including those staff that do not have a smart phone.


Communications that require a more verbose instruction can be effectively delivered via an email notification.


A voice notification can include a real-time or pre-recorded recording of a familiar staff voice.


Voice notifications can be sent using a variety of male/female voices that will convert your text-to-speech.

Launch Notifications

Launch notifications are immediately sent to other staff authorized to send on behalf of the company eliminating redundant messages.

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